A little bit of financial information will help you make informed decisions and it is always beneficial to tackle various types of financial issues. It becomes very imperative when choosing a related financial product like a personal loan. You can easily apply for a personal loan and some lenders or banking institutions offer the best personal loan offers with great benefits, but you need to be aware of the risks involved in it. People borrow various types of loans for their respective needs like personal loans for weddings, business loans for enhancing business, education loans to finance educational expenses etc. You should choose the best loan: either short or long-term. It will help you know the loan tenure in which you have to pay your debts on a monthly or quarterly basis based on the selected plan.
In this blog, we will discuss some factors which will help you know which personal loan is best for you: short or long-term.
Loan Tenure: What is it?
Loan tenure is the particular period for which your agreement is fixed. In this period, you need to pay your lender a fixed amount with an interest rate. It is generally described in either a month or a year. Some lenders provide flexible loan tenure to their borrowers while some implement various types of restrictions. Banking institutions provide both long and short-term loans to the borrower.
Difference Between Short and Long Term Loans
Here, you will know which loan is better for you: short or long-term loan. Let’s start with the short-term loans first.
Short-Term Loan
The short-term loan has a shorter tenure for repayment of debts in which you have to manage your finances and pay your debts on time. Short-term loans range from a few months up to two years. These types of loans help the borrower to meet several types of financial requirements. There are various benefits or disadvantages of borrowing a personal loan with a shorter tenure. Let’s know both of the aspects:
Low interest: Due to its short-term nature, you will get the benefit of shorter debt repayment time. In this case, the entire cost of interest will be lower than usual. In this way, you can take a personal loan for weddings, meet cash crunch issues dealing with medical emergencies etc.
Instant financial assistance: This short-term personal loan provides very quick financial assistance in times of emergencies like medical mishaps or any instant need for money.
Greater EMI: In the short-term loan, your EMI will rise to an unexpected rate and you need to pay the same in order to get rid of the financial crisis.
Temporary Financial support: In a short-term personal loan, you won’t meet any type of long-term needs, as your fund will be limited and low as compared to a long-term loan. It provides only temporary financial support.
Long Term Loan
The long-term personal loan may extend up to about 7 years and due to its lengthy tenure, it is called a long-term loan. These types of loans help the person to meet several types of financial obligations. You should know the pros and cons of having a long-term personal loan.
Helps in Big financial needs: if you need a big amount and are unable to manage your budget, taking or borrowing a long-term loan is beneficial. This loan helps the individual to meet several types of substantial financial requirements.
Smaller EMI amount: In a long-term personal loan, you will get the advantage of having smaller EMI values. You need to pay your EMI on time in order to avoid a financial crisis at the end.
Used for debt Consolidation: The personal loan with long tenure, will help you tackle issues of debt consolidation. With long-term loans, you can easily manage multiple loans in one go.
Boosts Credit Score: if you have taken a personal loan with longer tenure, then you can easily manage your credit score to a healthy condition. You can contact your lender as it will help you manage your fiancés and thus boost your CIBIL or credit.
A burden: If you have borrowed a long-term personal loan, it will be a financial burden and increase the risks associated with debt repayment.
Higher rate of interest: In longer tenure, you will get high interest rates which you are required to pay your lender or the banking institution.
Importance of Choosing the Right Loan Term: Long or short-term Personal Loan
Once you have completed all the formalities or taking a loan, you will get the loan as soon as possible through your banking agency. A fixed EMI will be allotted to you as you need to abide by the guidelines of the bank. So, you need to ensure which best suits your needs. For instance: if you don’t require a large amount, go with a short-term personal loan or if you want a big amount, choose a long-term loan.
Choosing the right personal loan: long or short-term term requires thinking twice about your requirements. Analyse your situation and ensure that you can pay the debts on time. If you agree with the guidelines, choose the personal loan of your choice.